About NNPS


The Nordic Neuropediatric Society is a collaboration between the neuropediatric societies of the Nordic countries. Every member of a national neuropediatric society is automatically a member of NNPS. There is a board that includes one member from each of the four countries. NNPS is funded by the members of the Nordic neuropediatric societies through an annual membership fee.

The purpose of NNPS is to promote neuropediatrics in the Nordic countries and to make it easier to collaborate between the countries.

NNPS scientific meetings are arranged every or every other year. At such meeting there is a general assembly. The upcoming meetings are to be held as follows:

Sweden 2022

Norway 2024

Finland 2026

Denmark 2028 etc

NNPS promotes the participation of younger members in these meetings. When presenting a paper or poster a member can apply for a grant.

NNPS arranges trainee courses in the neuropediatric field. Since 2009 there have been 8 courses.

NNPS promotes  learning and contact and  between neuropediatricians in the Nordic countries. Members can apply for economic means to enable visits in another Nordic country´s center.

NNPS promotes networking between the neuropediatricians in the Nordic countries, working in the same field . There are several existing networks that NNPS can support.


Nordic Neuropediatric Society