
Svensk Neuropediatrisk Förening (Sweden)


Dansk Neuropaediatric Selskab (Denmark)


Norsk Barnenevrologisk Forening (Norway)

Suomen Lastenneurologinen Yhdistys  (Finland)



About grants and the Oslo meeting:

NNPS promotes the participation of younger members in the NNPS meetings (young member = a member of NNPS who is specializing in neuropediatrics or who has been a specialist in neuropediatrics for maximum 3 years, in Norway: working with neuropediatrics for maximum 6 years). When presenting a novel poster the first author can apply for a grant of up to 4000 DKK. A maximum of 10 grants can be approved of to each meeting.

How to apply:
An application should be directed to theNNPS board.
Apply by sending an e-mail containing your personal and occupational details to the NNPSboard, e-mail address henna.jonsson@hus.fi. The accepted abstract should be included in the application.

Sept 25-27, 2024

The Nordic Neuropaediatric Society
NNPS 39th meeting in Kløfta, right outside Oslo, Norway.

Go to nnps2024.com for more information and program.

Main meeting September 26th– September 27st

The programme has four main topics: epilepsy, neurometabolic disease, neuromuscular disease and precision medicine. It is designed for paediatricians, paediatric neurologists, and trainees interested in paediatric neurology, with emphasis on clinical settings.

The meeting will take place at Lily Country Club in green, rural surroundings 30 minutes from Oslo and 10 minutes from Oslo Airport Gardermoen.

Training Course September 25th

The meeting is immediately preceded by NNPS training course,
" Movement disorder - a clinical guide"

Oct 5-6, 2023

NNPS Teaching Course
“Neurological evaluation of the newborn in acute situations and tools for assessing the
New Children’s hospital, HUS Helsinki University Hospital

Send application to Henna Jonsson: henna.jonsson@hus.fi

More info on the page "Meetings and courses"!

Oct 3, 2022

Thank you Stockholm and Sweden for making the awaited 38th NNPS conference a great opportunity for meeting up and learning! Handout PDF:s from some of the lectures is availiable

under the page "Meetings and courses/ Stockholm Sept29-Oct 1 2022"!

June 14, 2022

Registration for the 38th NNPS conference in Stockholm is open at the homepage nnps2022.se. Deadline for abstract have been extended til June 30th, 2022. Please send your abstract to nnps2022@gmail.com. Do not hesitate to apply for a grant from NNPS if you have contributed with an abstract, for details visit homepage nnps2022.se.

The adjacent training course on Cerebral Palsy - State of the art is also open for registration, register from the same homepage nnps2022.se

Väl mött i Stockholm!

Febr 26, 2022

New dates for the 38th NNPS conference in Stockholm are now set. The conference will be held September 29th - October 1st 2022. The programme has four main topics: epilepsy, neurometabolic disease, neuroinflammatory disease and neuromuscular disease. There is a call for abstracts with a deadline of May 31st. Please send abstracts to nnps2022@gmail.com.

1. Abstracts should be no longer than 250 words (this limit excludes the abstract title and information about authors)

2. Abstracts should be structured in 4 sections: Purpose, method, results and conclusion

3. The first name in each abstract should be that of the presenting author

4. Information concerning hospital, city and country should be provided for all authors

5. Instructions for both platform and poster presentations will be made available with notices of acceptance

A Training Course on the subject: "Cerebral Palsy-State of the art" will immediatly precede the main meeting, September 28th -29th.

Information about registration and booking of accommodation will be provided shortly.

March 27, 2020

Due to the current situation with the outbreak of COVID-19 we can not see that it will be possible to hold the 38th  NNPS conference in Stockholm  as planned in May this year. Instead, we all need to focus on giving the best possible health care for our patients and families in these difficult times.

The conference as well as the teaching course will therefore be postponed, we are aiming to set new dates in March 2021. The new dates for both the conference and the course will be announced as soon as possible. Registrations for the training course and conference will remain valid and all registered persons will receive information about this. Should you prefer to cancel your registration; the registration fee will be refunded minus an administrative fee of SEK 750 in according with the conditions of registration. All information for the training course and NNPS conference is still available on the conference website https://www.nnps2020.se/ which is continuously updated.

We hope to see you all in Stockholm in 2021 instead!

Jan 15, 2020

The program for the next NNPS conference in Stockholm May 27-28 2020 is now all set. Visit http://nnps2020.se/ for information, in a few days it will also be possible to register by that homepage. The EPNS research meeting in Stockholm May 29-30 will be held adjacent to the meeting. Please  notice the call for abstracts by Feb 28. Don´t hesitate to apply for a Grant from NNPS in case you are going to present an abstract.

The training course on Cerebral Palsy on May 26, 2020, will preceed the conference. 

Follow this link to open the invitation/second announcement to these events: Link to NNPS events 2020.

Oct 20, 2019

The next NNPS conference will be n Stockholm May 27-28, 2020. There will also be a training course adjacent to the conference. It will be held May 26 on the subject Cerebral Palsy.

Sept 25, 2018

Thank you Denmark for a memorable meeting in Copenhagen Sept 6-8! Excellent program, interesting poster session and oral presentations, nice social program and overall a very well organized meeting. Congratulations to the organizing committee!

PDF-files from some speakers will be able to reach within this homepage under "Meetings". You will need a login and password to reach them. If you have forgotten them, please contact NNPS by e-mail nnps@nnps.se. Once you are logged in, you can find the PDF-files by links  from  the  conference program, just browse with the mouse to se which lectures have a link attached to them.

June 25, 2018

Registration for the Copenhagen conference is ongoing, and so far about 130 participants are notified. Don´t miss this opportunity to learn, meet and present.

Dec 28, 2017

The next NNPS training course will be arranged as a pre-conference course from the 5-6th of Sept 2018 in Copenhagen. The topic will be Epilepsy and cover many aspects including treatment, pharmacology, neurophysiology and imaging.

Dec 28, 2017

The preliminary program for the next NNPS meeting/conference in Copenhagen Sept 6-8 2018 is now available on www.nnps2018.dk  Registration will soon be possible. Please notice the call for abstracts.

Dec 2017

The training course Mitocondrial diseases in children was cancelled.

May 2017

The next NNPS training course Mitochondrial diseases in children will be held in Göteborg, Sweden, in December 7-8, 2017. You can register by contacting Johan Aronsson by e-mail.

Aug 31 2016

NNPS now have a new e-mail adress, nnps@nnps.se. It can be used for all communication with the board, including application for grants.

Aug 28, 2016

Thank you Finland for an excellent meeting in Helsinki Aug 25-27. Great program, interesting poster session, nice social program and well organized meeting. Congratulations to the organizing committee!

PDF-files from lectures will be able to reach within this homepage under "Meetings".

Jan 17, 2016

The next NNPS training course Ataxias and hereditary polyneuropathies in children will be held in Helsinki, Finland, on August 24-25, 2016,  in connection with the upcoming NNPS conference. Please visit the homepage www.nnps2016.org for details. Registration will be possible from February 1.

Jan 17, 2016

Reminder: as a neuropediatric trainee  presenting an abstract, you can apply for a grant from NNPS to support your participation in the Helsinki conference. To apply - look under About above.

Dec 21, 2015,

The program for the next NNPS meeting in Helsinki August 25-27, 2016, is now released. Visit the home page nnps2016.org. Registration will be possible from February 1. Please notice the call for abstracts. This will be an excellent opportunity to present your work to interested colleagues.

Nov 16, 2015

The next NNPS meeting will be in Helsinki August 25-27, 2016.

Nov 16, 2015

NNPS training course Neuromuscular diseases in children was held in Göteborg 12-13 nov. 26 participants from 4 Nordic countries seem to have appreciated the course. Thank you for arranging the program, prof Tulinius and coworkers..

Jan 20, 2015

The next NNPS  training course will be on the subject Neuromuscular diseases in children. It is now open for application. Follow this LINK  for more information.

Nov 21, 2014

It is now a fact that the next NNPS  training course will be on the subject Neuromuscular diseases in children. The course will be held in Göteborg, Sweden, november 12-13 2015. There will be an announcement when it is possible to register.

May 11, 2014

Thank you Bergen, and Norway! The meeting in Bergen May 8-10 provided an excellent scientific and social program, but is now history.  The memories  from the meeting will live on and  PDF-files from  the lectures will be published under the member-locked page "Meetings", to support our memories

April 3, 2014

The next NNPS meeting is in Bergen May 8-10 2014. There is a link under Calender. Hope to see you there!

April 3, 2014

Welcome to the new homepage of NNPS. Responsible for the content of the website is Johan Aronsson. Please contact him (johan.aronsson@rjl.se) with any concerns about the site.


Nordic Neuropediatric Society